Hydroprogne caspia. Foto: David Taylor.
Una llambritja de bec vermell, Hydroprogne caspia observada a s'Albufereta, Pollença, el dia 19-09-2023. Stewart Betts.
25-09-2023. Després de varis observacions d'aus aparentment diferents s'observa fins a 6 exemplar junts. David Taylor.
A Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia was seen at the Albufereta reserve, Pollença, on the 19-09-2023. Stewart Betts.
25-09-2023. After various reports of different individuals, up to 6 birds are seen together. David Taylor.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
25-09-2023. After various reports of different individuals, up to 6 birds are seen together. David Taylor.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting: