dilluns, 9 de desembre del 2019
Titina d'aigua Anthus petrosus a La Gola, Port de Pollença / Rock pipit Anthus petrosus at La Gola, Port de Pollença. 05-12-2019
dijous, 5 de desembre del 2019
2 Llambritja de bec vermell, Hydroprogne caspia a s'Albufera / 2 Caspian Terns, Hydroprogne caspia at s'Albufera de Mallorca 11-09-2019
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Hydrprogne caspia. Foto: Biel Servera. |
2 Llambritja de bec vermell, Hydroprogne caspia observades al PN de s'Albufera a la zona de Sa Roca el dia 11-09-2019. Biel Servera.
Raresa a Balears
Two Caspian Terns Hydroprogne caspia were seen at the Sa Roca area of s'Albufera de Mallorca on the 11-09-2019. Biel Servera.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Hortolà groc Emberiza citrinella a Lluc, Escorça / Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella at Lluc, Escorça 03/12/19
Raresa a Balears
A Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella was seen near the Lluc monastery, Escorça on the 03-12-2019. Toni Soler.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2019
Hortolà blanc Plectrophenax nivalis al Camí de Cavalls, Menorca / Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis at Camí de Cavalls, Menorca 29-11-2019
Raresa a Balears
A Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis was seen at Camí de Cavalls, Mercadal, Menorca, on the 29-11-2019. Jose Juan Carreras.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2019
Ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus a s'Albufera/ Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus at s'Albufera de Mallorca 29-11-2019
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Phylloscopus inornatus. Foto: Juanjo Bazán. |
Un exemplar de ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus observat el dia 29-11-2019 a s'Albufera de Mallorca. Maties Rebassa i Juanjo Bazán.
A Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus was seen at s'Albufera de Mallorca on the 29-11-2019. Maties Rebassa and Juanjo Bazán.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Mascarell bru Sula leucogaster a Canyamel, Artà / Brown Booby Sula leucogaster near Canyamel, Artà 19-11-2019
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Sula leucogaster. Foto: Juanjo Bazán. |
Observat un mascarell bru Sula leucogaster a prop de la platja de Canyamel, Artá el dia 19-11-2019. És la primera cita d'aquesta especie dins el mar Mediterrani. Juanjo Bazán.
Raresa a Espanya.
A Brown Booby Sula leucogaster was seen near Canyamel beach on the 19-11-2019. This is the first record for this species in the Mediterranean. Juanjo Bazán.
Spanish rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
2 Titina grossa Anthus richardi a Maó, Menorca / 2 Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi near Mahón, Menorca 13-11-2019
Dues titines grosses Anthus richardi observats pels voltants de Maó, Menorca el dia 13-11-2019. Román Piris y Gala Lligoña.
Raresa a Balears.
Two Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi were seen near Mahón, Menorca on the 13-11-2016. Román Piris and Gala Lligoña.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Raresa a Balears.
Two Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi were seen near Mahón, Menorca on the 13-11-2016. Román Piris and Gala Lligoña.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus a Formentor/ Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus at Formentor 12-11-2019
Un exemplar de ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus observat el dia 12-11-2019 a la peninsula de Formentor, Pollença. Daniel López-Velasco.
Raresa a Balears
A Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus was seen on the Formentor peninsula, Pollença, on the 12-11-2019. Daniel López-Velasco.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dijous, 14 de novembre del 2019
Gorrió d'ala blanca Montifringilla nivalis a El Toro, Menorca/ White-winged Snow Finch on El Toro, Menorca 14-11-2019
Montifringilla nivalis. Foto: Gala Lligoña. |
Un exemplar de gorrió d'ala blanca Montifringilla nivalis observat a El Toro, Mercadal, el dia 14-11-2019. Gala Lligoña i Román Piris.
Seguiex present el dia 19-11-2019. Juanjo Bazán.
Raresa a Balears.
Montifringilla nivalis. Foto: Gala Lligoña. |
A White-winged Snow Finch Montifringilla nivalis was observed on El Toro, Mercadal, on the 14-11-2019. Gala Lligoña and Román Piris.
Still present on the 19-11-2019. Juanjo Bazán.
Spanish rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimecres, 13 de novembre del 2019
Ull de bou de Hume Phylloscopus humei a Formentor / Hume's Warbler Phylloscopus humei at Formentor 12-11-2019
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Phylloscopus humei. Foto: Daniel López-Velasco. |
Un exemplar d'ull de bou de Hume Phylloscopus humei observat el dia 12-11-2019 a la peninsula de Formentor, Pollença. És la segona cita d'aquesta espècie a Balears. Daniel López-Velasco.
Raresa a Espanya
A Hume's Warbler Phylloscopus humei was seen on the Formentor peninsula, Pollença, on the 12-11-2019. Second record of this species in the Balearics. Daniel López-Velasco.
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimecres, 30 d’octubre del 2019
Busqueret xerraire Sylvia curruca a Cabrera/ Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca on Cabrera island 28-10-2019
Sylvia curruca. Foto: Juanjo Bazán |
Un exemplar de ull de busqueret xerraire Sylvia curruca observat a Cabrera el dia 28-10-2019. Juanjo Bazán i Mika Palmer.
A Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca was seen on Cabrera island on the 28-10-2019. Juanjo Bazán i Mika Palmer.
Spanish rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus a Cabrera/ Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus on Cabrera island 27-10-2019
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Phylloscopus inornatus. Foto: Juanjo Bazán. |
Un exemplar de ull de bou cellard Phylloscopus inornatus observat a Cabrera el dia 27-10-2019. Juanjo Bazán i Mika Palmer.
A Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus was seen on Cabrera island on the 27-10-2019. Juanjo Bazán i Mika Palmer.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dilluns, 14 d’octubre del 2019
Hortolà menut Emberiza pusilla a Cabrera / Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla on Cabrera island 13-10-2019.
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Emberiza pusilla. Foto:Fátima Garrido. |
Raresa a Espanya
A Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla was seen on Cabrera island on the 13-10-2019. Fátima Garrido and Toni Pons.
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimecres, 9 d’octubre del 2019
Ull de bou siberià Phylloscopus collybita tristis a Cabrera/ Siberian Chiffchaff on Cabrera island 09-10-2019.
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Foto: Jason Moss. |
Observat a Cabrera el dia 09-10-2019 un possible exemplar d'ull de bou siberià Phylloscopus collybita tristis. Jason Moss.
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Foto: Jason Moss. |
A possible Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis was seen on Cabrera island on the 09-10-2019. Jason Moss
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2019
Xixell Columba oenas a Cabrera / Stock dove Columba oenas at Cabrera 05-10-2019.
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Columba oenas. Foto: Miquel Vallespir. |
Observació de un exemplar de Xixell Columba oenas a Cabrera el dia 05-10-2019. És tracta de la tercera cita per Balears. Miquel Vallespir.
Seguiex present el dia 07-10-2019. Jason Moss.
A Stock Dove Columba oenas was on Cabrera on the 05-10-2019. This is the third record for the Balearics. Miquel Vallespir.
Still present on the 047-10-2019. Jason Moss.
Still present on the 047-10-2019. Jason Moss.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dissabte, 5 d’octubre del 2019
Hortolà menut Emberiza pusilla entre Eivissa i Valencia / Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla between Ibiza and Valencia 04-10-2019.
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Emberiza pusilla. Foto: Jordi Serapio / Ricard Gutiérrez. |
Raresa a Espanya
A Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla was seen offshore between Ibiza and Valencia from the ferry operating the route on the 04-10-2019. Jordi Serapio and Ricard Gutiérrez.
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dijous, 26 de setembre del 2019
Taulader italià Passer italiae a Cap de ses Salines, Santanyí / Italian Sparrow at Cap de Ses Salines, Santanyí, Mallorca 26-09-2019
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Passer italiae. Foto: Susana Quintanilla / Lalo Ventoso |
Un exemplar de taulader italià Passer italiae, observat a cap de Ses Salines, Santanyí el dia 26-09-2019. Susana Quintanilla i Lalo Ventoso.
Segueix present el 02-10-2019. Lalo Ventoso.
Segueix present el 14-10-2019. Lalo Ventoso.
Segueix present el 20-10-2019. Toni Pons, Fátima Garrido i Lalo Ventoso.
Segueix present el 09-02-2020. Pep Manchado.
Segueix present el 15-02-2020. Carlos López-Jurado.
Segueix present el 08-03-2020. Steve Nicoll i Alex Nicoll.
Segueix present el 08-03-2020. Steve Nicoll i Alex Nicoll.
Raresa en Espanya
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Passer italiae. Foto: Susana Quintanilla / Lalo Ventoso |
An Italian Sparrow Passer italiae was seen at Cap de Ses Salines, Santanyí, Mallorca on the 26-09-2019. Susana Quintanilla and Lalo Ventoso.
Still present on the 02-10-2019. Lalo Ventoso.
Still present on the 14-10-2019. Lalo Ventoso.
Still present on the 20-10-2019. Toni Pons, Fátima Garrido and Lalo Ventoso.
Still present on the 09-02-2020. Pep Manchado.
Still present on the 09-02-2020. Carlos López-Jurado.
Still present on the 08-03-2020. Steve Nicoll and Alex Nicoll.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Capsigrany reial ibèric al pla de l'Anzell, Villafranca / Southern Grey Shrike at Pla de l'Anzell, Villafranca 25-09-19
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Lanius Meridionalis. Foto: Jason Moss. |
Un capsigrany reial ibèric Lanius meridionalis observat al pla de l'Anzell, Villafranca, el dia 25-09-19. Pere Vicens.
Segueix present el 26-09-19. Jason Moss.
Segueix present el 13-10-19. Mike Montier i Stuart Betts.
Segueix present el 06-02-20. Patrick Moussa.
Segueix present el 09-02-20. Pep Manchado.
Segueix present el 23-02-20. Mike Montier.
Segueix present el 01-03-20. Steve Nicoll.
Segueix present el 08-03-20. Steve Nicoll i Alex Nicoll.
A Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis was seen at Pla de l'Anzell, Villafranca, on the 25.09-19. Pere Vicens.
Still present on 26-09-19. Jason Moss.
Still present on 13-10-19. Mike Montier and Stuart Betts.
Still present on 06-02-20. Patrick Moussa.
Still present on 09-02-20. Pep Manchado.
Still present on 23-02-20. Mike Montier.
Still present on 01-03-20. Steve Nicoll.
Still present on 08-03-20. Steve Nicoll and Alex Nicoll.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
diumenge, 22 de setembre del 2019
5 Llambritja de bec vermell, Hydroprogne caspia a la depuradora de Muro / 5 Caspian Terns, Hydroprogne caspia at Muro water treatment plant 21-09-2019
5 Llambritja de bec vermell, Hydroprogne caspia observades a la depuradora de Muro el dia 21-09-2019. Patrick Moussa.
Raresa a Balears.
Five Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia were seen at the Muro water treatment plant on the 21-09-2019. Patrick Moussa.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Raresa a Balears.
Five Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia were seen at the Muro water treatment plant on the 21-09-2019. Patrick Moussa.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
divendres, 20 de setembre del 2019
Garsa Pica pica a l'aeroport d'Eivissa / Common Magpie Pica pica at Ibiza airport 19-09-2019
Una garsa Pica pica observat a l'aeroport d'Eivissa dia 19-09-2019. Juanjo Bazán.
Raresa a Balears.
A Common Magpie Pica pica was seen at Ibiza airport on the 19-09-2019. Juanjo Bazán.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Raresa a Balears.
A Common Magpie Pica pica was seen at Ibiza airport on the 19-09-2019. Juanjo Bazán.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Capsigrany roig Lanius collurio a s'Albufereta / Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio at s'Albufereta, Pollença 19-09-2019
Un exemplar mascle de capsigrany roig Lanius collurio observat a s'Albufereta, Pollença, el dia 19-09-2019. Toni Pons
Raresa a Balears.
A male Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio was seen at s'Albufereta on the 19-09-2019. Toni Pons.
Raresa a Balears.
A male Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio was seen at s'Albufereta on the 19-09-2019. Toni Pons.
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
diumenge, 15 de setembre del 2019
Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a Can Guidet, Palma / Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea at Can Guidet reservoir 27-08-2019
Observació de un exemplar de Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a la bassa de Can Guidet el dia 27-08-2019. Toni Pons.
Segueix present el dia 28-08-2019. Toni Soler
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Can Guidet reservoir on the 27-08-2019. Toni Pons.
Still present on 28-08-2019. Toni Soler
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Segueix present el dia 28-08-2019. Toni Soler
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Can Guidet reservoir on the 27-08-2019. Toni Pons.
Still present on 28-08-2019. Toni Soler
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2019
Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a s'Albufera / Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea at Albufera 16-07-2019
Observació de un exemplar de Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a la zona de Sa Roca de s'Albufera el dia 16-07-2019. Jason Moss.
Possiblement es tracti del mateix exemplar vist a la depuradora el dia 22-06-2019
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Sa Roca area at Albufera on the 16-07-2019. Jason Moss.
Possibly the same bird seen at the water treatment plant on the 22-06-2019
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Possiblement es tracti del mateix exemplar vist a la depuradora el dia 22-06-2019
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Sa Roca area at Albufera on the 16-07-2019. Jason Moss.
Possibly the same bird seen at the water treatment plant on the 22-06-2019
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dimarts, 25 de juny del 2019
Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a la depuradora de Muro / Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea at Muro water treatment plant 15-06-2019
Observació de un exemplar de Ànnera canyella Tadorna ferruginea a la depuradora de Muro el dia 15-06-2019. Cristina Fiol.
Segueix present el dia 22-06-2019 (informació de Birdforum)
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Muro water treatment plant on the 15-06-2019. Cristina Fiol.
Still present on the 22-06-2019
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Segueix present el dia 22-06-2019 (informació de Birdforum)
Raresa a Balears
A Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was seen at the Muro water treatment plant on the 15-06-2019. Cristina Fiol.
Still present on the 22-06-2019
Balearic rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
divendres, 31 de maig del 2019
Àguila cridanera Clanga clanga a Menorca / Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga in Menorca 31-05-2019
Clanga clanga. Foto: Joan Capo. |
Un exemplar de àguila cridanera Clanga clanga, observada a Menorca el dia .31-05-2019. No es descarta un híbrid C. clanga x C. pomarina. Joan Capo.
Raresa a Espanya
A Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga was seen in Menorca on the 31-05-2019. Hybrid between C. clanga x C. pomarina is not ruled out. Joan Capo.
Spanish rarity
dimarts, 21 de maig del 2019
Alosa puput Alaemon alaudipes a Maó / Hoopoe Lark Alaemon alaudipes at Mahón, Menorca 19-05-2019.
Alaemon alaudipes. Foto: Gala Lligoña. |
Observació de un exemplar de alosa puput Alaemon alaudipes a Maó el dia 19-05-2019. És tracta de la primera cita a Balears i la primera a Espanya sense contar les illes Canàries. Gala Lligoña i Román Piris.
Alaemon alaudipes. Foto: Gala Lligoña. |
A Hoopoe Lark Alaemon alaudipes was seen near Mahón, Menorca on the 19-05-2019. First record for the Balearics and the first for Spain excluding the Canary Islands. Gala Lligoña and Román Piris.
Spanish rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
dilluns, 13 de maig del 2019
Escuraflascon Phalaropus lobatus al P. N de Ses Salines, Eivissa / Red-necked Pharalope Phalaropus lobatus at Ses Salines Natural Park, Ibiza 10-05-2019
Phalaropus lobatus. Foto: Andrew Jarwick. |
Raresa a Balears.
A Red-necked Pharalope Phalaropus lobatus was seen at the Ses Salines Natural Park , Ibiza on the 10-05-2019. Andrew Jarwick and Maisie Glendinning.
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Papamosques menut Ficedula parva a l'illa de l'Aire / Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva on illa de l'Aire, Menorca 09-05-2019
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Raresa a Espanya
A Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva was ringed on the illa de l'Aire (Menorca) during the postnuptial ringing campaign on the 09-05-2019. SOM
Spanish rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Coadreta Cercotrichas galactotes anellat a illa de l'Aire/ Rufous-tailed Bush Robin Cercotrichas galactotes ringed at Illa de l'Aire 09-05-2019
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Cercotrichas galactotes. Foto: SOM |
Raresa a Balears
A Rufous-tailed Bush Robin Cercotrichas galactotes was ringed on the illa de l'Aire (Menorca) during the prenuptial ringing campaign on the 09-05-2019. SOM
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Bosqueta pàl·lida Iduna opaca anellat a illa de l'Aire/ Western Olivaceous Warbler Iduna opaca ringed at Illa de l'Aire 09-05-2019
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Iduna opaca. Foto: SOM |
Raresa a Balears
A second Western Olivaceous Warbler Iduna opaca was ringed on the illa de l'Aire (Menorca) during the prenuptial ringing campaign on the 09-05-2019. SOM
Balearic rarity
divendres, 10 de maig del 2019
Busqueret xerraire Sylvia curruca a Cabrera/ Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca on Cabrera island 02-05-2019.
Observat a Cabrera el dia 02-05-2019 un exemplar busqueret xerraire Sylvia curruca .
A Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca was seen on Cabrera island on the 02-05-2019.
Miguel Rodriguez.
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Miguel Rodriguez.
Raresa a EspanyaA Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca was seen on Cabrera island on the 02-05-2019.
Miguel Rodriguez.
Spanish rarity.
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting:
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)