Un mascle de capsigrany roig (Lanius collurio) a Mallorca, a Can Cullerassa prop de l'Albufereta, Pollença. Biel Bernat, Carlos López-Jurado, Josep Manchado
Seguiex present el dia 08/05/16. Cati Artigues
Seguiex present el dia 08/05/16. Cati Artigues
Raresa a Balears.
One male of red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in Majorca, at Can Cullerassa near to l'Albufereta, Pollença. Biel Bernat, Carlos López-Jurado, Josep Manchado
Still present on the 08/05/16. Cati Artigues
Still present on the 08/05/16. Cati Artigues