Calidris melanotos. Foto: Juanjo Bazán |
Un corriol pectoral Calidris melanotos observat al prat de Sant Jordi, Mallorca el 29-09-2017.
Jason Moss.
Segueix present el dia 30-09-2017. Carlos López-Jurado i Josep Manchado
Segueix present el dia 04-10-2017. Mara & Martin Schultz i Juanjo Bazán.
Segueix present el dia 06-10-2017. Steve Nicoll
Raresa a Balears
A Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos was observed at Prat de Sant Jordi, Mallorca on the 29-09-2016. Jason Moss.
Still present on the 30-09-2017. Carlos López-Jurado i Josep Manchado
Still present on the 04-10-2017. Mara & Martin Schultz and Juanjo Bazán
Still present on the 06-10-2017. Steve Nicoll
Balearic rarity
Mapa de la cita / Map of the sighting: